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Boeing Whistleblower Dead Investigation

Boeing whistleblower John Barnett found dead in US

Former quality manager raised concerns about manufacturing practices

Inquiry into death of John Barnett underway

March 12 2024 1130 PM EDT (Originally published March 12 2024 645 AM EDT)

John Barnett, a prominent Boeing whistleblower who raised concerns about manufacturing practices at the company, has been found dead in the United States.

Barnett's body was discovered on Sunday near his home in Seattle, Washington, according to local police. The cause of his death is not yet known, and an investigation is underway.

Barnett, a former quality manager at Boeing, had publicly raised concerns about the company's manufacturing practices in the wake of two fatal crashes involving the 737 MAX aircraft.

In a series of interviews and congressional testimony, Barnett alleged that Boeing had cut corners on production to meet deadlines, and that this had contributed to the crashes.

Boeing has denied Barnett's allegations, and has said that its planes are safe.

Barnett's death has raised questions about the treatment of whistleblowers in the United States.

Some critics have accused Boeing of trying to silence Barnett, and have called for a full investigation into his death.


John Barnett's death is a tragedy and a reminder of the importance of whistleblowers. Barnett was a brave man who spoke out against wrongdoing, and he paid the ultimate price.

It is essential that whistleblowers are protected from retaliation, and that they are able to speak out without fear of retribution.

Barnett's death should serve as a wake-up call to all of us. We must demand better from our corporations, and we must stand up for those who speak out against wrongdoing.
